Car Club for Mopar Enthusiasts

Pro Touring is a big deal, and we dig it. These cars get built for a purpose, and the owners aren’t afraid to thrash on them every weekend at autocross events and track days across the country. …read more

Arvid Svendsen’s assessment of the state of today’s car colors is spot-on. I often find myself in a parking lot or at an intersection surrounded by nothing but gray, black, and white cars and asking myself, “Where’s the color?” …read more

Have you ever had the thought to build a truck that would survive the daily grind in this day and age of modern commuters? Well, Chad Daniels wanted to build such a truck; one where it wouldn’t matter if it got a little scratch here or ding there. …read more

There are tons of great characters in hot rodding history. Eric Rood had a brief encounter with the infamous Oscar Koveleski at the PRI show. He’s still trying to figure out what happened. …read more

It was mothballed in Ohio in 1974, sitting silent for six years until Lyndon Hughes bought it just about the time that Ronald Reagan took office. Since then, it hadn’t seen the blue sky. …read more