Car Club for Mopar Enthusiasts

Terry Van Housen is a rancher in Stromsburg, Nebraska, raising corn and cattle. In fact he raises a lot of corn because he needs to feed more than 10,000 head of cattle! It was a business that he built himself and going back about three decades, he credits an F-100 …read more

If you grew up in the ’80s getting picked up after school in hopped-up Mopars, you might be prone to be a Mopar guy today. Such is the case with Scott Evans, who admittedly is a Mopar guy because of his dad and his dad’s circle of Mopar buddies. …read more

Larry Bell is the unofficial leader of Mopar magic in New Castle and hosts the annual Nursing Home Nationals, one of the biggest annual private Mopar gatherings in the nation. …read more

Last month, we tracked the Camgrinder Wars’ innocent beginnings to a series of confrontational “hero” and “antihero” advertisements placed by a trio of Southern California camshaft companies. …read more

It’s not easy being green, but being green makes it a lot easier to conceal a 2½-ton stake bed truck among the trees and brush in a residential area in St. Joseph, Michigan. …read more