Car Club for Mopar Enthusiasts

The numbers are mind-boggling: The Car Craft Summer Nationals, billed as the Midwest’s largest street machine show, draws some 6,000 cars and 40,000 people to the sprawling, 320-acre Minnesota State Fairgrounds for a busy three-day weekend each year. …read more

Every so often, OK, more often than not, I come across a task on my to-do list that is met with a bit of ambivalence. You know the kind; those odd jobs that you seem to bump to the back of the line every coupla weeks. …read more

Most guys don’t care for marathon shopping excursions. At the store, we are on a mission: we know what we need, and we find it and get out. There’s very little wandering around just to see what’s there. Swap meets are the exception …read more

Skip Lecates found this Camaro the same way he found the Yenko Deuce that appeared on the cover of this magazine’s Sept. ’12 issue (“Mission Accomplished”), by talking with muscle heads in his area. …read more

It all started innocently enough with the second issue of Hot Rod (Feb. ’48). For the debut edition a month earlier, Weber Tool Co. was the only camshaft manufacturer that paid (probably up-front) whatever meager amount cofounders Robert E. Petersen and Robert Lindsay asked for advertising space. …read more

Over-tightened bolts done in the wrong sequence are the number one cause of warped parts, breakage, and consequently equipment failure. As cars became more sophisticated and exactness more crucial the tools needed to service them kept pace. …read more